What is the best backfat range of the gilt breeding period?
Sow fat body condition is closely related to its reproductive performance, and backfat is the most direct reflection of sow body condition. Some studies have shown that the reproductive performance of the first fetus of gilt is important to the reproductive performance of the subsequent parity, w...Read more -
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Breeding Video
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Why do the sows bite their piglets?What are the prevention and control measures?
1. Stress Although sows after years of domestication, closely related to human beings, but there are still many sows with strong wild, especially in the process of production, by external noise interference, strong light, shock and other stimulation, stress is greater, out of self-defense and ea...Read more -
A.I. Video
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How to improve the success of artificial insemination sat once? 7-Step operation method, learn it!
How to improve the success of artificial insemination sat once? 7-Step operation method, learn it! For the majority of farmers, sow mating is the most troublesome headache, not only toss, have time mating success rate is also low, more toss.Large farmers are ok, there may be special technicians t...Read more